أخر الأخبار

Easily overcome masturbation for men and women

There is no doubt that you are tired of masturbation, and you want to stop this addiction that destroys you and your health...
In this short article, we go over the right steps to do just that.

Get rid of masturbation with ease for men and women

In this article, we discuss an important topic that is very common among young men and girls, which is the practice of masturbation, and we will discuss its legal ruling, its harm to the body, health and psychological well-being, and its dangers to the future of the girl and young man, and we will develop a proposed treatment for this dangerous forbidden, destructive habit.

The rule of masturbation

The correct one of the two scholarly opinions regarding masturbation with the hand known as masturbation is the prohibition, and this is the view of the majority of scholars. Because using that is harmful and has serious consequences, including: exhaustion of strength and weakness of nerves, and the Islamic Sharia has come to prevent what harms a person in his religion, body, mind, money and honor.

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Disadvantages of masturbation

Masturbation has a very negative impact on a person’s physical, mental and psychological health, and if a person continues to practice it, it leads to dire consequences for its owner. Among the most prominent harms of practicing this habit are:
1- Wasting human time by constantly thinking about practicing this habit.
2- Persistent thirst to exercise it; So that a person becomes addicted to it and it is difficult for him to get rid of it.
3- Wasting the mind, memory and concentration of the person who practices them.

4- The effect on the sexual relationship with the husband/wife.
5- Impact on human health; So that he becomes permanently anxious, tired and exhausted as a result of his practice of this habit.
6- The distress and distress of its owner as a result of his repeated remorse for what he did.
7- Not having access to pleasure and enjoyment with the husband/wife in a normal relationship.
8- Continuing to practice it even after marriage.
9- Reaching the state of anomaly because his desires are not satisfied, no matter what his partner does.

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The dangers of masturbation on the future of the girl

1- Exhaustion of the genitals.
2- Infection with fungi and infections in the vaginal area and these fungi may move to all parts of the reproductive system and infect it with many diseases that may lead to the destruction of the reproductive system.
3- Feeling of exhaustion and general weakness in all parts of the body, muscle disease and nervous system tension because of the strong pressure on the nerves.
4- Feeling of severe lower back pain.
5- Significantly poor concentration.
6- Feeling constantly mentally distracted, and unsettled over a neutral opinion.
7- Weakness of vision and a doctor should be consulted when feeling this.
8- Sexual weakness and the inability to enjoy marital intercourse after marriage.

9- The occurrence of family problems with the husband because of the lack of sexual desire with him, as intercourse does not represent the owners of masturbation enjoyment or feeling, but on the contrary, masturbation affects the girl or woman and makes her feel alienated from the husband and away from him.
10- Feeling sporadic pain in the pelvis and knees.
11- Getting used to doing this habit regularly, and the inability to leave it or stay away from it, so its danger is considered as the danger of drugs, and it cannot be left easily.
12- Feelings of guilt because the woman or girl who is masturbating is afraid, unreassuring, and nervous; Because they are doing something that is contrary to religion and society and also to the human constitution as a whole.

13- Chronic pain in the lower pelvis; As a result of the total lack of satisfaction of sexual desire because masturbation is considered an incomplete sexual relationship.
14- Constant feeling of anxiety, restless sleep, and inability to sleep continuously.
15- Viral infection in the reproductive system, and the condition may develop and reach the urinary system.
16- Masturbation may lead to infertility and the inability to have children, and this problem is one of the most serious problems that an umbilical waiting period can cause.

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Proven steps to get rid of masturbation

 1- Getting closer to God - the Mighty and Sublime - and constantly praying to God to make you have the ability to give up this dangerous and undesirable habit.
2- hastening the marriage; Because it preserves the body, and the physical desire will come out in its real and legitimate times from God - Glory be to Him -; The Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Whoever among you wants to be married, let him marry.”
3- Not to binge on food and drink and work on moderation and balance between them, and our Noble Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - recommended: “If he is not able to do so, then he must fast.”
4- Doing various sports such as swimming and basketball; Because sports strengthen the body and mind.

5- Fill his spare time with useful things such as reading books and magazines, reading the Noble Qur’an and drawing in bright colors.
6- Staying away from taboos and not watching pictures or movies that provoke sexual desire.
7- Maintaining the five daily prayers on time and not delaying their performance.
8- Continuously reading the morning and evening adhkaar.
9- Not to wear soft clothes that may provoke sexual arousal.
10- Find and immerse yourself in work so that you always occupy your mind.
11- Choosing straight friends who do not think about these bad thoughts, and staying away from bad friends who talk about these topics.

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And in the end, start changing from now on, and do not let your lust overpower you and control you and be a slave to it.

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