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The best foods that benefit the body's immunity, the most important 15 types

 With the spread of the Corona virus epidemic, and its cause in many deaths and injuries around the world, as well as its negative impact on the economies of countries, everyone had to pay attention to what strengthens the immunity of their bodies, and preserve it so that they are not a number among his deaths or injuries, and in this article we address the most important foods and useful foods body immunity.

foods useful for immunity

Why foods useful for immunity?

The task of the immune system is to protect the body from any enemy that enters it, such as microbes, bacteria, infection and diseases, and it consists of a group of organs, cells and tissues, and each of these components has specific specific functions.

A person can do some things that strengthen his immune system, and help him to perform his duties properly, and these things include:

  • Eating healthy integrated food, and avoiding harmful foods that reduce the efficiency of the immune system in general, and cause various diseases.
  • Attention to exercise.
  • Get enough sleep every day.
  • Avoid obesity, and avoid the things that lead to it, as obesity causes an imbalance in the functions of the body in general.

The main components of the immune system

Among the most important components of the immune system are the following:

  1. Lymphocytes, which are the most important components of the immune system, have great responsibilities, and they pick up dead cells and germs in the body, and get rid of them.
  2. Bone marrow, which is one of the parts of the body that make up the immune system, which the body uses to fight germs, infections and diseases.
  3. phagocytes or macrophages.
  4. Immune antibodies, which notify lymphocytes of foreign bodies entering the body, to do their work.

 The most important foods that are useful for the body's immunity
Among the most important foods that are beneficial for immunity are the following:

citrus fruits

citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as grapefruit, orange, lemon and tangerine contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is very important for the body's immunity as follows:

  • It helps in building the human immune system.
  • Useful in case of colds.
  • It increases the production of white blood cells, which are important for fighting infections in the body.

In general, the body does not produce or store vitamin C, so care must be taken to obtain the necessary daily need from foods, and this daily need is 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men, and you can also get vitamin C from dietary supplements in a moderate manner.

Red pepper is one of the foods that are good for the immune system

Red pepper is one of the foods that are useful for the body’s immunity, as it contains large amounts of vitamin C that exceed the amount found in some types of oranges, and red pepper helps in maintaining the health of the skin and eyes, because it contains beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A.

Broccoli is one of the foods that are good for the body’s immunity

Broccoli is one of the foods that are good for the body’s immunity

Broccoli is considered one of the best foods that are beneficial for the body’s immunity, as follows:

  • Broccoli is full of important minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A, B and E.
  • It is full of fiber and many antioxidants.
  • Broccoli is also one of the healthiest vegetables to add to your diet.

To get the best possible benefits from broccoli, steaming is the best way to do this, and if you do cook broccoli, reduce the cooking.

Garlic is one of the foods that are good for the body’s immunity

Garlic is very important and necessary for human health, and they are important for immunity as follows:

  • Garlic has properties that enhance the body’s immunity, due to its high content of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin.
  • It also has a role in fighting infection in the body.
  • One of the benefits of garlic is also to slow down the hardening of the arteries.
  • It also helps lower blood pressure.

Ginger is a healthy food

Ginger is a healthy food

Ginger has multiple health benefits, and among the foods that are useful for the body's immunity, as follows:

  • Ginger helps reduce inflammation.
  • It also helps reduce sore throat.
  • It also helps treat nausea.
  • May reduce chronic pain.
  • Ginger may also lower cholesterol.

Spinach is a healthy food

Spinach is one of the foods that are useful for the body's immunity, as it contains elements that may increase the ability of the immune system to fight infection, and these elements are:

  • Rich in Vitamin C.
  • Spinach is also packed with many antioxidants.
  • Spinach also contains a good amount of beta-carotene.

To get the best possible benefits from spinach, it is not overcooked, but rather reduced to as little as possible.

Yogurt is a healthy food

Among the many benefits of yogurt, yogurt benefits the body’s immune systems because it contains vitamin D, and they are important for regulating the work of the immune system, and it also contributes to enhancing the body’s ability to resist diseases.

When eating yogurt, Greek yogurt is preferred, and any yogurt with added refined sugar should be avoided. Instead of harmful sugar, you can sweeten yogurt with white honey or fruits.

Almonds are one of the foods that are good for the immune system

Almonds are one of the nuts rich in many and many health benefits for the body. It is one of the foods useful for the immune system because it contains powerful antioxidants, as well as vitamin E. Also, almonds have general health benefits for the body, because they are full of vitamins and healthy fats.

sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are among the foods that are useful for the body's immunity, for the following reasons:

  • Being full of nutrients such as minerals and vitamins, such as phosphorous and magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E.
  • Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E, which is important in the process of regulating and maintaining the functions of the immune system.
  • It also contains very high levels of selenium, which has the ability to fight viral infections.

Turmeric is one of the foods that are good for the body’s immunity

Turmeric is one of the healthy spices, which is recommended to be consumed in moderation, and it provides the following benefits for the body’s immunity:

  • It is used as an anti-inflammatory.
  • It is also used in the treatment of both osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Due to the high availability of curcumin in turmeric, this reduces muscle damage that may occur from exercise.
  • Curcumin is also an immune-boosting and antiviral substance.

Green tea

Green tea helps boost the body’s immunity, thanks to the fact that it contains some types of antioxidants, such as flavonoids and EGCG, and the amino acid found in green tea helps produce antibacterial compounds in the body’s T cells.

Papaya is one of the foods that are useful for the body's immunity

Papaya fruit is one of the foods that are beneficial for the body’s immunity, as follows:

  • It contains good amounts of vitamin C.
  • They also contain a digestive enzyme, which has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Papayas also contain good amounts of magnesium, potassium, magnesium and folic acid.

Kiwi is a healthy food

Kiwi is a healthy food

Kiwi is also one of the foods that are useful for the body’s immunity, as follows:

  • It contains large amounts of vitamin C.
  • It also contains large amounts of vitamin K, which is important for bone and blood clotting.
  • Kiwi also contains a number of essential nutrients, such as folic acid and potassium.

Chicken and chicken soup

Both poultry and poultry soup (broth) provide many important benefits for the body, including benefits for the immune system, as follows:

  • It may help reduce inflammation and improve cold symptoms.
  • Poultry contains a high percentage of vitamin B6, which is necessary for the formation of new and healthy red blood cells, and this vitamin is important for many chemical reactions that occur in the body.
  • As well as poultry soup, especially the one you get from boiling chicken bones, contains nutrients useful for healing the intestines, and for the immune system.

Some types of shellfish

There are some types of oysters that are full of zinc, which is important for the immune system, and not all types of oysters, the body needs zinc for the immune cells to function properly, and types of oysters that contain high levels of zinc include:

  • oysters.
  • the crab.
  • crab.
  • Mussels.

However, zinc should not be taken in quantities that exceed the daily need of the body, because this leads to immune damage. The daily requirement of zinc is 11 mg for men, and 8 mg for women.

After you know the most important foods and foods that are beneficial to the body’s immunity, you should include these foods in your diet with moderate consumption, and diversify them, in order to obtain good health, and a strong immunity that protects you from microbes, bacteria and various diseases.

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