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 Joint and muscle pain is a major problem for women, children and young people, especially among the elderly, and it is a worrying disease, accompanied by negative effects on self and health, and neglecting to treat it may lead to serious complications. Learn about ways to get rid of joint pain, whether natural, medicinal, or using foods, and proven recipes.

Joint pain

definition of joint pain

It is a pain that spreads to the various joints of the body, most notably arthritis. Usually, pain occurs in the joints of the hands and knees, and it is a serious disease, and therefore attention must be paid to its treatment. Joint pain occurs in young people due to repeated heavy lifting, and incorrectly. 

There are 360 ​​joints in your body, (15 in the pelvis, 88 in the lower half of the body, 86 joints in the upper half, 24 joints in the chest, and the spine contains the largest proportion with 147 joints).

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Joint pain symptoms

Joint pain symptoms

Like any disease that a person afflicts, it affects his psyche and the organs of his body. As well as infection in the joints lead to severe pain. These pains affect the feeling of fatigue and stress, and negatively affect the daily activity of the person, as well as lead to feelings of anxiety and tension. It is noted that the greatest impact of joint pain disease is in women and the elderly. Here are the most common symptoms of joint pain:

  1. Severe swelling in the joint.
  2. The presence of inflammation and redness of the skin.
  3. skin irritation.
  4. Swelling in the joint area.
  5. Having a high fever.
  6. Impairment in the ability to move the joint.
  7. Spread of inflammation to other joints of the body.
  8. The occurrence of sounds when moving the joint.
  9. Joint instability.
  10.  uncomfortable.
  11.  sleep problems;
  12.  feeling depressed
  13.  Joint stiffness for a period of up to half an hour in the morning, or after resting for a period of time.
It is worth noting that if joint pain is not treated appropriately, this may lead to serious complications such as:
  •  Inability to move the joint.
  • Deformity of the affected joint.
  • Amputate the affected area.
  •  Spread of infection.
The stronger your muscles are, the more likely these symptoms will improve

Causes of joint pain

There are other causes of joint pain, such as:

  • Muscle strain.
  • Viral or bacterial infection.
  • Frequent dislocation of the joint.
  • advancing age;
  • Infection with arthritis.
  • Roughness in the joints.
  • rheumatic muscle pain
  • Influenza infection.
  • Infection with gout.

Joint pain treatment without medication

Joint pain treatment

There are several methods that some people follow and that are recommended by many, and they are as follows:

Supplying the body with vitamin C

One of the benefits of vitamin C is that it gives bones strength and stiffness, and its deficiency leads to the possibility of infections in the joints, and vitamin C is found in different foods, such as fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, and mango, and also found in vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, green and red peppers, and spinach. .

 Supplying the body with vitamin D

This vitamin is important and necessary for the body in general, and in our topic, vitamin D guarantees you to maintain strong bones, and the lower its percentage in the body, the greater the pain. This vitamin is obtained from multiple ways:

  • Either by exposure to the sun for fifteen minutes a day in the morning.
  • Or get it from different foods, the most important of which is oily fish such as sardines and tuna, as well as from egg yolks.
  • Or from food supplements that contain it, and of course the first two options are preferred.

 Exercising for joint pain

It is one of the treatment steps followed, but beware of choosing an unsuitable sport that causes an overload of muscles, such as running and strenuous exercise.

  • You can try cycling; Where it strengthens the thigh muscles above the knee.
  • Walking 30 minutes a day protects against joint diseases.
  • Swimming helps to strengthen joints, and remove bone pain.

 Get rid of excess weight

Where any increase in body weight represents a burden, load and pressure on the joints, therefore, those who suffer from overweight and joint problems must follow a diet to lose weight, and it will improve greatly in their general health, and improve the pain and soreness of the joints after losing the excess weight.

Massage for joint pain

If you massage the muscles and joints regularly, it can relieve joint pain.

Use warm and cold compresses

It is one of the methods used in the treatment of inflammation and muscle pain, and it comes with a satisfactory and effective result,

  • Hot compresses can help soothe joint pain (so start your day with a warm bath, and apply hot compresses to your joints).
  • Cold compress therapy reduces swelling and numbs joint pain (putting the joint you complain about in ice, or placing an ice pack on the site of pain after wrapping it with a suitable towel, or using cold compresses sold in pharmacies).

Note: The duration of using cold compresses at one time should not exceed twenty minutes.

Do you take green tea?

Green tea has anti-inflammatory compounds that relieve joint pain and inflammation. Green tea is also used in the manufacture of rheumatoid arthritis medications, but it is recommended not to drink more than two cups of green tea per day.

Pay attention to drinking enough water for the body

Drink enough water, as this will help prevent the muscles from cramping, and it will also moisturize the joints from drying out. 

Medication for arthritis treatment

Medication for arthritis treatment

This is done through the following:

  • Analgesic drugs.
  • The use of topical paints that give immediate relief, as well as help soften the joint.
  • Take anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Among the uses of cortisone injections, they are used to relieve pain.
  • Use of filler injections, and these injections contain a soft substance that is injected into the joint.
  • Steroid injections are used to reduce inflammation.

Treating joint pain with foods

Good food helps prevent joint pain. It works to relieve, and toxin, the pain caused by joint pain, but you should use any food in moderation, healthy eating in general is important for the prevention and treatment of joint pain in women, children, young people and the elderly, and these foods are as follows:

  • hazelnut.
  • the ring.
  •  Taro plant.
  •  the strawberry.
  • oats.
  • walnut.
  • cherry.
  • the Garlic.
  • mustard.
  • Anise oil.
  • fish oil.
  • oysters.
  •  Red pepper.
  • onions. 
  • Peel the garlic, by boiling it, and drinking it.
  • Yellow vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, yellow peppers, and oranges, all work to maintain joint health.
  • Almonds, apples, black beans, olive oil, and ginger are among the most important foods that are prescribed to strengthen joints and facilitate their work and movement.
  • Celery soothes joint and muscle pain.
  • Bee honey, pollen and royal jelly.
  • Parsley, it works to protect rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Black honey, contains a high percentage of calcium, which is useful for strengthening bones, and black honey has anti-inflammatory properties that protect joints and muscles.
  • Apple cider vinegar treats arthritis, but do not overdo it.
  • Broccoli, helps slow down and prevent osteoporosis.
  • Trotter soup, it is useful to cure arthritis.
  • Green Peas, Vitamin K found in peas helps prevent arthritis
  • Salmon helps reduce rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Shrimp, it protects in the long term from bone diseases and joint pain.
  • Bay leaf has a distinctive role in relieving joint and bone pain.
  • Pineapple, it prevents arthritis.
  • Licorice, it is rich in anti-inflammatory.
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Recipes to relieve joint pain

Some prefer to resort to herbal recipes to treat various diseases, and the recipes used in the treatment of joint and bone pain in young people and women include:

A recipe for various diseases


  • 8 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 cup of honey.

How to prepare

  • Put in a blender garlic, apple cider vinegar and honey.
  • The ingredients are mixed well, in order to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Store the mixture in the refrigerator, and it must be used within five days of placing it in the refrigerator.
  • Put 2 tablespoons of the mixture in a glass of water, or some juice, and drink it every morning on an empty stomach.

Sidra Tree

One of the uses of the Sidr tree is to treat joint and muscle pain. This is done by making a paste of crushed Sidr leaves, and then placing it on the affected joint.

turmeric recipe

An effective treatment for joint and bone pain, and back pain. Put a little turmeric in a cup of warm water before bed, and then drink it, and this will greatly help in the disappearance of pain.


  •  Half a teaspoon of ground turmeric.
  •  Half a tablespoon of ground nigella.
  •  honey spoon.

 Ginger recipes

    Make sure to include ginger in your daily meals. Either use it in ground form, or drink a cup of ginger tea on a daily basis.
    Add 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger to hot water, and then drink it.

ginger juice

    Bring 2 cups of water, 1 cup of sugar, and 1/4 cup of fresh ginger.
    Leave it to boil, then let it cool, then drain the ginger, and drink it. You can add lemon to it.

ginger oil

Use ginger oil to massage the joints, especially the spine, by mixing 6 drops of ginger with 4 drops of jasmine, and 2 drops of essential oils in a bowl, and mix them well, then massage the affected areas.

The cause of joint and bone pain

The cause of joint pain

There are some things that cause joint and bone pain over time, so they should be avoided, namely:

Calcium deficiency in the body

Any deficiency in it, in turn, leads to a significant decrease in bone density, and susceptibility to fractures.

Excessive intake of salt

As this wrong habit leads over time to osteoporosis; Because it leads the body to get rid of calcium through the urine.

Neglecting to exercise

Unfortunately, many do that, but by doing so, you deprive your joints of flexibility as a result of exercising, and deprive your bones of obtaining density, as well as depriving your body of a healthy weight and a healthy physique.

Irregular sleeping hours

This negatively affects the strength of the bone marrow, which is the main material that helps in the formation of the bones of your body.

 Excessive drinking of soft drinks

They are drinks of no benefit to the body at all, but they are all harmful. Therefore, it leads to osteoporosis, and negatively affects the proportion of calcium in the body, so stop taking it for your health.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency negatively affects the body’s ability to absorb calcium from food. In order for the body to easily absorb calcium and benefit from it, the body’s need for vitamin D is required, and a large percentage of women suffer from a lack of this vitamin; Which leads to the presence of joint pain in women.


Did you know that smoking prevents blood from flowing naturally to the bones, and even makes the bones less dense, and works to impede the body’s ability to build bones and regenerate tissues, so do you still smoke??

Take some medicine

Since some types of medications negatively affect bone health, for example breast and prostate cancer treatment, depression medications, and convulsion medications, these medications with their long-term use may reduce bone health.

Other things bad for bone health

  •  Exposing the bones to trauma.
  • Standing and sitting in incorrect postures.
  • Carrying heavy weights, as they cause joint pain in women and young people in particular; Because they really are.
  • Sitting for long periods in front of the computer, so take a break between sitting in front of it.
  • High-heeled shoes lead to joint pain in women and muscle inflammation, so they are replaced by comfortable shoes.
  • Sitting or sleeping under a high degree of air conditioning may lead to joint and muscle pain, and this means that you should adjust the air conditioner from 22 to 24 only.

oint and muscle pain is a great danger to everyone in young people, women and the elderly, and even children. Avoid what leads to its occurrence, and fortify yourself with foods that protect you from infection, and most important of all do not neglect treatment if you are infected with it; Your health is priceless.

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